Adjust PSE Poundage
Wrap Bow Grip or Not?
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Ahh, good old field archery; I love it. For the longest time, I was crap at it. So I set out to improve my skills, and indeed, the first thing I needed to improve was judging distances. Field...
I've shot in enough national and international events to tell you that shooting under pressure is a different ball game. I’ll never forget one of the first things my coach ever said to me “If you...
“The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Compound Bow with a Hinge Release”
Ahh, yеs the dreaded first shot with the hinge. I Remember mine went straight above the target into a concrete wall. I still managed to keep all my teeth, though. Once I share all my knowledge about...
The lovely indoor season. If you're reading this post, then it's probably that time of year again to bust out the old fat boys and start hammering some Xs. But I always say indoors is a game of...
If you know anything about archery, you'll know the steadier you can hold the bow, the better your shot. There's really only one way to achieve that. What configuration of weights do you run on your...
I know I say this a lot, but this is one of the most overlooked things to check when tuning your bow. If your sight isn't leveled when you shoot different distances, your left-right windage will be...